Morning Dose is a concept developed by Maxine Bailey and Alex Cvijovic who wanted to collaborate on a new exciting project. Maxine is a breath coach based in Southsea. Speaking with Maxine she said “our ability to connect in the real world is rapidly moving in the wrong direction and this new wknd class is a way to live more mindful. It is a way of coming together as a community and work on meditation, breathwork, and movement as well as a chance to meet like-minded people.”
D.O.S.E stands for Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphins that are all happy hormones that the body naturally releases and the idea is this session will help you to release these, become more balanced, and leave having more of a sense of belonging and purpose. Open to all ages and any faith, this event is inclusive and for everyone. Meeting at a place where there will be a 2-hour session followed by breakfast for everyone to enjoy sounds like a cool Saturday morning thing to do!
Arriving at 8am at the Beach Club on the seafront you start with an uplifting meditation to find some love in your heart and some space in your busy mind, releasing the happy hormones and then moving on to breathwork.
We all know breathing exercises help the body in lots of ways by inhaling oxygen into your system. Here are some facts of how deep relaxing breathing helps.
1.Reduces stress levels in your body
2.Lowers your heart rate
3.Lowers your blood pressure
4.Improves diabetic symptoms
5.Reduces depression
6.Better manages chronic pain
7.Better regulates your body’s reaction to stress and fatigue
8.Reduces the possibility of burnout for caregiver
After your breathing part of the session, there will be a movement section that will get your body moving with some old-school tunes where you can dance and let your wild side out!
Finishing off with a nice breakfast provided by the Beach Club you can sit and look at the fine sea view and engulf your new inner peace then head off to enjoy the rest of your day full of positive energy.
If you would like to attend this Saturday the 21st August then please take a lateral flow test 24 hours before your arrival. Tickets are nonrefundable so if you do get a positive test you can let Maxine know and she will try and offer your ticket out.
Arrive ten minutes early and wear comfortable clothing.
Buy tickets here